The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency. The purpose of intuition workouts is to strengthen your trust that you always pick what you need.

Petrified Wood
If you chose petrified wood, your message is about timing. Things will come together. There are things you are not meant to control. How and when things happen are one of the things you may find some resistance to through the perspective of when you think they should. Slow down and trust that things will work out. It takes a lot of momentum to align everything to you that is needed and necessary to succeed in your endeavours. Focus on putting one foot in front of the other as you work towards your desired outcomes. Everything happens step, by step.
Green Aventurine
If you chose green Aventurine, your message is about being open to the possibilities that are presented to you. If an opportunity comes along that interesting or exciting to you, choose to step towards it with curiosity instead of shying away with fear of the unknown. Big things are trying to manifest in your life. In order for the abundant flow of life to come into your life, you need to be willing to participate in the ways it’s trying to reach you. Old beliefs are being brought to the surface to be purged. Break those old patterns and ideas around lack and abundance. You have more than you realize available to you but you can’t see it with old ideas and fear of not having enough.
If you chose Euclase, your message is that fear distorts your intuitive intelligence. You know more than you think. You are more intuitive than you realize you are. You’re being challenged by your higher self to let shit go when it comes to how much belief you have in yourself. You are capable !!!!! The “I can’t” is not accurate. You CAN do anything and everything, you CAN become all that you want to be. The “I can’t” is more accurately “I don’t know how”. The truth, you do know, but the “I can’t” blocks you from intuitively seeing the steps you must take for yourself. YOU CAN, YOU CAN, YOU CAN!!!!