The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency. The purpose of intuition workouts is to strengthen your trust that you always pick what you need.

If you chose dandelion, your message is a reminder that new opportunities often arise in the most unlikely of circumstances. Remember that when you embrace changes with confidence and optimism, you align yourself to positive personal growth. Be adaptable. Incredible things are on their way to you but you will need to be willing to embrace them in order to extract the most out of them. It may feel like life is testing you right now. And it probably is. The resolution is knowing you are capable of pivoting if you need to and are strong enough to take on new possibilities that are in direct alignment to your greater good. Don’t see any of these changes through the lens of fear. See them as opportunities of personal growth, leadership and enlightenment.
If you chose clover, your message is about financials and luck. This is a reminder that you can create your own luck. Every choice and decision in life creates a frequency that echos its way back to you. When you begin experiencing luck in your life, it’s because life is echoing back to you through synchronicity. You align yourself to good things. Luck is a harmonious chain of synchronicity’s that occur for you to experience them. Enjoy, you deserve the luxury of feeling lucky!
If you chose gladiolus, your message is about your moral compass. Is something or someone challenging your moral beliefs? You are encouraged to stand strong in your truth and beliefs. Reinforce your commitment to your values. Your integrity is definitely being tested. It’s time to get real honest with yourself about the current situation you are in and act accordingly.