The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency. The purpose of intuition workouts is to strengthen your trust that you always pick what you need.

If you chose kyanite, your message is that diplomacy is required. Things you are faced with are not coincidental either. The challenges you face, brought up by people, relationships and situations are coming up so you can become aware this is a problem for you and to become aware that you can release the negative affects it has on you. It’s safe and a personal requirement for you to mend some fences in terms of your boundaries and what you are capable of tolerating. You are required to have a big long internal conversation with yourself to get clear on what you need to happen to be healthy and happy emotionally. Reminder, those requirements are your responsibilities, not someone else’s. Relationships work best when harmonized. Things don’t work so good when connection is bouncing around in the realm of conditions.
(Example. “ I will be happier when you take my feelings into account when go out with your friends.” Translates to there are conditions in this relationship that are required if you for me to be happy with you”. ) this is NOT healthy. Don’t let this happen to you.
if you chose aquamarine, you are aligned to safe space to make healthy changes for yourself. Things will be okay as you step into the unknown. Your powers of discernment are amplified, which is a fantastic navigation tool as you enter new opportunities for your personal wellness. Observe what is around you and observe what you want. Take your time. See your old patterns and be sure to assess if they serve you or not. This time is perfect to try a new way of doing things , and override the ways that are not serving you. Communication will be easier for you when you are speaking your truth. It’s safe. You are safe to speak from your heart.
Seriphos Green Quartz
If you chose Seriphos, your message is that to move through the obstacles you face, you must accept what you can not change and learn from what the past has taught you. This will probably feel like a complete pain in the ass, but it’s required to take you into the next level of your personal evolution. You are leaving some things behind you from this moment on. You have to in order to make space for what you need to thrive. There will be a really hard conversation with yourself as you assess your current situation. It’s likely emotionally charged , but it’s required. You can’t avoid or dance around the reality that things are going through a big shift in your life. Your experience of it will either be pleasant or painful, depending on how you participate in the shift. This is not meant to hurt you, it’s more of an experience like your soul is doing some housekeeping and you’re no longer able to ignore the clutter. It will either feel good to declutter it or you will feel upset it has to go because you are attached to it. No matter what way you feel, the clutter has to go. It’s time for it to go.