The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency. The purpose of intuition workouts is to strengthen your trust that you always pick what you need.

The Child
(Antoine Ducher Rose)
If you chose this card, the internal question you have to face is “what can you nurture within you that needs more time to grow”? Perhaps you feel rushed to make a change or commit to something. Or maybe you are so wrapped up in doing things flawlessly , you are unable to enjoy the experience as a whole. Allow yourself to have spaciousness in the process of personal growth. Mistakes are part of learning to grow. Remember, fear of making a mistake is not nurturing.
The Alchemist
( Mme Caroline Testout Rose)
The Alchemist has the aura of a mysterious and magic about them. They are grounded individuals that influence a ripple effect of change by using their deep understanding of intuition. You are aligned to this. It’s waking up in you. Change is either being influenced and inspired by an alchemist person in your life and it’s rippling change through you. Or you are experiencing the ripple of change and you’re waking up your own inner alchemist capabilities. Either way, you have become aligned to realizing positive changes are on your horizon and confidence is building to step towards them.
The Challenger
(Scotch Rose)
Knee jerk reactions may be something that surrounds you with others responding to challenges that arise. You are required to raise above the moment with more information, with resolution and with resourcefulness. It’s easy to get carried away in a reaction when others around you do. You yourself are facing somewhat of a personal test. Are you are willing to raise above unfiltered emotions of others and respond with leadership?