Intuition workout.
What are you most drawn to?
What did you notice first?
What would you likely pick up?
The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency.
1. Sea turtle
If you chose sea turtle, your spirit animal message is one about personal differences and difficulties. Sometimes we get ourselves in a position where everything seems to be working against us. People have opinions that have zero reflection of who we truly are. Sometimes we want to make it right by speaking up, correcting those that are unaware of our truths. The fact is, setting it right won’t make a difference. Reacting doesn’t make us feel better nor does it fix the problem. The best way to approach differences or difficulties is to keep diligently working towards your truth. Little by little. When you get into the flow of keeping your goals as a stable and steady mindset without reacting to the little obstacles along the way, things become easier and drama bounces right off your back like a shielding shell.
2. Tiger
If you chose tiger, your spirit animal message is about personal empowerment. It’s pretty clear, if you chose this card, you are in the receiving end of jealousy. Something you do rattles the cages of others. It’s hard to navigate, especially if the one that’s jealous of you is someone you care about. The thing about this frequency is it can be hurtful and cause us to be reactive. Your message today is a reminder that you can choose to stay in alignment and not get sucked in to the jealousy narrative. Your purpose right now is to be diligently working in harmony with the understanding that jealousy is a reaction in people that feel stuck in a shadow of themselves. What if you become so good at what you do, it illuminates the way for others and they become inspired? Would that not align more with your core self than reacting to shadowy sticky emotions from others?
3. Bull
If you chose bull, your spirit animal message is about sacrifice. Perhaps you’ve felt like in order to do this, you need to give up that… example, what if nourishment and personal wellness was the goal instead of “losing weight”. What if personal enlightenment and alignment was the goal instead of “not worrying about other people’s opinions”. The point is, we are conditioned to believe that in order to achieve something, it has a cost. That cost is a sacrifice. What if you flip that script and realize that it’s never been about “to have this I have to give up that”. What if we change how we feel about what we want to do. Change how we talk to ourselves. What if the positive was the focus and the negative wasn’t viewed as a loss, but instead a shift in perception. You are encouraged to flip the script.