Intuition workout.
What are you most drawn to?
What did you notice first?
What would you likely pick up?
The item you notice upon first glance is important, especially if the one you notice first is different than the one you are drawn to or the one you’d pick up. The message of one you notice first is what you’re subconsciously working through but may not be completely aware of. The message of one you are drawn to is what you are working through and are seeking validation. The message of the one you’d pick up is what resonates with you and your frequency. The purpose of intuition workouts is to strengthen your trust that you always pick what you need.
1. Bison
If you chose bison as your spirit animal message, your message is about choices. You are at a crossroad where you can choose to make decisions that are supportive, healthy & benefitial to you and your family. You are now Creating habits that are in service to you and are in alignment to your goals. You are setting the pace in your household. Others will follow your lead through your repetition of positive choices and changes.
2. Lioness
If you chose lioness as your spirit animal message, your message is about being safe. If you have been guarded at sharing your opinions, beliefs or ideas around others because you felt unsafe or it could be damaging to you, your message is this. You are safe. It’s okay to be authentically you. People these days are seeking authenticity and are striving to be more refreshingly them. You’re not looked down upon, people look up to you. Realize that your authenticity is exactly what the world needs.
3. Butterfly
If you chose butterfly as your spirit animal message, your message is about your trauma. You’ve suffered. A lot. You’ve felt pain in ways people can’t even imagine. You’re message today is to acknowledge your past and acknowledge how hard it was to get through it. Today you are encouraged to recognize you got through it and now you can focus on where you want to go and what you want to feel and achieve. Trust in yourself that if you can get through the shitstorm your past has taken you through, there is nothing you can’t do. Any goal you set, any aim you take, you can and will get there. Believe you can and start going towards your focus. There’s nothing to look back at, you’ve been there & done that. Look forward.